CEP 810: Cooking with TPACK

This week in CEP 810, I was asked to make one of five simple snacks using a bowl, plate, and utensil that a family member or friend selected from my kitchen without any guidance from myself. After my sister drew the slip of paper stating that I would be making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from a plastic baggie, she selected a large fruit bowl, a small plate, and a fork to assist me in this process. These were not the most creative cooking utensils, but they also were not what I would have selected to make a sandwich.

My true challenge was finding a way to repurpose these tools to accomplish the given task. Please view my cooking experience in the video posted below:

I believe I was able to successfully make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while utilizing a tool that was NOT intended for this purpose. As an educator and learner, I recognize that I am presented with similar challenges every day (albeit, there are no sandwiches involved). Dr. Punya Mishra states in one of his keynote lectures, “most technologies are not designed for education,” but “as users, we are always redefining technology” (Mishra, 2012). In classrooms we are given tools such as iPads, computers, cell phones, CBR motion detectors, etc. None of these tools were specifically designed for classroom use. However, educators must find ways to repurpose these devices to meet instructional goals. As Mishra states, “we work with what we have” (Mishra, 2012). Teachers must approach these technologies with a sense of imagination. For example, Mishra notes that cell phones were not made for the classroom, but students can certainly use the calculator function in math class.

I know that I will strive to incorporate more of these technologies into my mathematics classroom to provide students with the opportunity for exploratory learning and access to digital resources like Google Docs, Socrative, Poll Everywhere, and many more. Additionally, I hope to include maker kits into my lesson plans to inspire my students to learn the value in repurposing, creating, and imagining.


Mishra, P. (2012, March). Punya Mishra- Keynote Speaker @ 21st Century Learning Conference- Hong Kong 2012 . Retrieved August 4, 2014, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bwXYa91fvQ#t=714

One thought on “CEP 810: Cooking with TPACK

  1. Ben Rimes says:

    Nice job flipping the fork around to use the handle as a crude knife blade! I would have loved to see if you could have creatively worked the bowl in, but I get going with the plate because it makes sense 🙂

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